What can be expected from AKT ?


AKT : Allgemeine Kosmos-Theorie


AKT is a cosmos model, focussing on a fundamental possibility, which didn’t get attention until now. The model assumptions create a picture of the universe with great explanation power. Being farer away from all day experience, at first sight it may look a bit strange. But things are falling on their place. Especially, AKT can describe processes in the micro-world and in the macro-world in the same language. AKT is a world model of one piece.

In first instance the approach was bottom up and wholly theoretical: ”What can be present in the black box? Which kind of smallest particles? How can they interact? What does that mean: attraction and repulsion?” With workable answers to these fundamental questions it is much easier to approach special questions. Now guidelines are present to conduct research.


AKT explains mysteries of physics: Dark Matter and ‘Gravitational Effects’

The gravity phenomenon is real. Stars are influencing each other. But ‘gravity forces’, going from star to star, don’t exist. It’s running another way round, in an understandable way. ‘Gravitational Effects’ are part of the gravity phenomenon. The effects can be observed via specially positioned instruments. ‘Gravitational Wave’ is a known, but misleading term,. AKT is no ether-theory. ..……………….


AKT explains black holes.  What is happening inside ? ………………

Black holes and galaxies. Black holes only special objects in an galaxy?

Dark matter - surprising solution of the riddle after 50 years …..……. 

Black holes and the theorem, that the world will end in a thermal death.

This theorem is wrong. This theorem is burned in black holes ………....

Expansion of the universe?  Big Bang?  ……………………………..

Short summary dark matter and black holes ………………………………


AKT explains the nature of light    More:   www.AKT-expectations.jaaaa.net

Please criticize the new world model !  We want it to go through the fire of expert checks.

AKT Feuertaufe

AKT should become fire proof






in a new world model

with great explanation power?


Solution of 6 big problems at a stroke! Solution in the normal

4-dimensional space-time-continuum, without raping space and

time, uniting the description of micro- and macro-cosmos.

Oval: more
Oval: more
Oval: more